PT. Multi Jaya Abadi
Jln. Mapilindo Raya 34-36
Surabaya 10460
Your ref: VA/LG/12c 7th
April 2016
ref: DS/RS/21D
Mrs. Vita Andyani
Purchase Manager
Martabayu Insan Prima
Jln. K.H. Noor Ali No.38
Bekasi 10240
Dear Mrs. Andyani,
you for your inquiry letter of 10th March 2016.
are enclosing our details of our shoes, together with the prices, sample and
terms of payment, for your review and are confident that this catalogues will
provide many of the answers you have inquired.
We hope you will find our prices
and terms satisfactory and expecting your order as soon as possible.
If there is additional information
you would like to know regarding our products, please do not hesitate to
contact us. We will be most happy to be of assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Doddy Suryanto
Sales Manager
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